Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dwayne the Bathtub, I'm Dwowning!

Did your friends tell you that joke in Elementary school?

I'm having one of those weeks months where I feel like I can't quite stay afloat in my little teacup of responsibilities. I have so many projects and priorities pulling me at all times that I just really want life to stop for a few days so I can catch up. Anyone know how to arrange that?

I've been staying up too late trying to get stuff done, and then not waking up until the boys wake up, which always makes for a rougher start to the day, and seriously cuts down on my scripture study time, so I know that's one place I need to make a change. So that's my goal for tomorrow - start the day with reading my scriptures, and end the day at a decent time. And clean the bathroom. That's my other goal.

Here's to staying afloat through the Holidays

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