Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two weeks

Two weeks from today we fly to Utah for Erin's and Lucas' weddings!! I am so very excited.

Also the property manager came and fixed our water heater today, which was also quite exciting, I'm very happy to know I can take a shower tomorrow morning.

On a not so exciting note, I made the mistake of letting Duncan get out of the cart while in World Market, and he quickly ran to the wine racks (which are kind of cool looking from a kids perspective I'm sure) and grabbed 2 bottles of red wine, breaking one of them and getting it all over himself... So we had a very smelly ride home.

This is a lame post, but I haven't posted for several days and wanted to try and write something tonight, and apparently this is all I've got, ha.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Can't wait for the weddings (even thought I won't get to be at Lucas') and to see you! Oh, and the wine; that was worth knowing about, mostly as a warning! I'm glad he isn't hurt. I'd be interested to know if you had to pay for the wine.