Monday, June 4, 2012

Amazing Grace

Last week I was reading the April 2012 Ensign, and there was an article titled "Amazing Grace". In it, the author says "Consider writing in your journal and sharing with your family about times when you have felt the Lord's grace healing, helping, or strengthening you".

When I read that I realized I haven't written down how much I have felt helped this year. I really forgot how hard it is to function on not much sleep, and how time consuming newborns really are. And there have been a few times since Karl has been born that I felt really depressed that I just couldn't do it. But consistently every time I have started the day while reading my scriptures while I'm nursing instead of reading my emails or blogs or whatever, I have been amazed at how well I have been able to cope with how little sleep I've had, and I truly feel it has been because He is helping me do things I could not do alone.

One instance in particular where I powerfully felt that help is while we were in Utah. On the day Erin was getting married,  when Karl woke up at 4:00 to eat, I was reading my scriptures while he nursed. I read some verses about the Lord strengthening the people of Nephi. I thought that there were probably ways I could serve that day, and the Lord could strengthen me too. So instead of going back to sleep I got ready and then when I heard people up and about downstairs I went down and was able to help with a few things down there. It really was more for me then anyone else, but I was so happy to be able to be there as Erin got ready to go to the temple, it was a really awesome sister time. The whole day was long and busy, but I had energy all day long, and although it was hard at time with the boys, we made it, and had a really great day.

So that's my little journal entry of when I've felt His grace strengthening me :)


hillpill said...

Wish I would've been there helping out instead of sleeping in!

AnnaM said...

Cute girl, your baby was THREE WEEKS OLD!!! Miss you SO much and wish we could hang out with our babies together!!!