Monday, June 25, 2012

Block Party. Or Blocks and Partys.

I seem to have a case of writers block. If you can have writers block and not even be a proper writer. Every time I sit down to write a post I get overwhelmed, or underwhelmed, or discouraged, and have a small slew of unpublished posts building up. So I'm going to hit publish today, that is my goal.

This Saturday we're hosting a 4th of July breakfast party. This is the first real party I've hosted in my life, and I'm pretty nervous. I keep thinking through all the steps of each thing I need to make, obsessing over if I've forgotten anything important. I'm sure I will have forgotten something when all is said and done, but I really hope I've remembered enough that things will go smoothly. But I'm determined not to stress about it, and just have fun with it. I will return and report with my notes from what I learned for next year after the party.

The 4th of July has been my favorite holiday for most my life. My memories of the 4th while growing up are filled with hiking, swimming, water fights, bbq's and homemade ice cream. I think the thing that I enjoyed the most about the holiday is it never felt stressful. While I liked Christmas, there was an element of stress surrounding it that I didn't like. The 4th was also full of family time and good food, but without the stress, and it wasn't cold outside, win-win.

Anyway, I don't really have a point to this post, so I'll just say - Here's to a happy stress-free 4th of July :)

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