Sunday, March 20, 2011

Whom Ye Will Serve

Today in Relief Society we talked about Service, and there was a quote I really liked:

"We become more significant individuals as we serve others. We become more substantive as we serve others - indeed it is easier to 'find' ourselves because there is so much more of us to find" - Spencer W. Kimball

I had just on Friday been talking to a friend about the struggle of figuring out things that remind you of what makes you uniquely you. I feel like so often in trying to be an individual I'm just copying other people who I view as different. And I think my personality is a very adaptable one, which can be good at times, but sometimes I think I just become like whoever I'm around, and I don't really know what I would be if I were alone for any given length of time.

Anyways, back to the quote, it seems very counter-intuitive that service is a key to finding yourself. I think most things would tell you that in order to find yourself you need to spend time alone, doing things you enjoy. So I've been thinking about this quote, and trying to figure it out.

Here's my train of thought so far - Service builds love of others and self esteem, and as we love ourselves and others more, we are more able to accept ourselves for what we are, and others for what they are. As we become more comfortable in our skin we can stop trying to copy others or envying their talents and focus more on our talents and creating what we can? Maybe?

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